Be part of a church

Be part of a church-why being part of something bigger, like a church is important
Life is meant to be lived according to the good things of the Bible. If you are a Christian or you are someone who wants to grow in your faith, then its very important to surround yourself with other Christians. You cannot deny the fact that you are made stronger when you are surrounded by people who share the same ideas and beliefs with you. However, there are so many more reasons why you should join something much bigger and stronger, like a church.
Here are some of the major reasons or benefits that come from joining a church;
Long-time friendships
While a church is mostly for worship, one of the immense benefits that you can get from joining a church is long-term friends. The truth is that in a church, you can get the support you need to grow in your faith. Making friends with other Christians and serving a church can be very rewarding.
Another thing about the friendship which you make in the church is that it is not fixed to particular ages. Sometimes, even if you are quite young, you can form wonderful friendships with someone that is well over your age or much younger; just think about David and Jonathan in the Bible. We need friends for many reasons in our lives. One of them is to make sure that we stay focused and on track with what we believe in and to truly know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. The friends that you make in a church can help you to achieve just that.
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If you are someone who is always looking to volunteer or make an impact in the lives of others, joining a church would perhaps be the best move you can make. The church opens up to you so many opportunities which you would probably have never had if you were not part of a church. The volunteer services which you would engage in would teach you things about people that you probably would never have imagined. It would also teach you how to be more appreciative of people and what you can do to help them grow.
Better Decisions
Life is made up of a bunch of decisions. If one of those decisions is wrong, then it has the ability to affect the way our lives turn out in the end. It is no wonder then that people strive to make the right decisions in their lives. One way in which this can be made easier is by joining a church and sharing your knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. As a church teaches, as well as Christ teaches us in the Bible, that we love our neighbors, help our neighbors and do for others so that we can help guide others to make better decisions.
Taking a stance will become so much easier for you. You would be able to make all the right decisions with the scriptures as your guide or better yet, your compass.
In this world that we live in, it is very difficult to develop a sense of unity. This is because of the prevalent spirit in the world today. Hate it or like it, being in the world exposes us to this. When we join a church, we get a chance to join a family that is unified in doing and achieving certain things.
In this world, business life sometimes tends to leave us out of the interactions and goals we could have set for ourselves. However, this is all corrected when we are part of a church. We would be able to interact with so many other people who also share our goal of being one big family or community.
Development and Growth
One thing that is constant in life is change. With change comes growth and the need to keep developing ourselves. This world is constantly changing and with it goes its values, culture and belief system. If you do not take the time to develop yourself both internally and externally, you would very well find yourself grasping for straws when the world leaves you behind. To make sure that you are well grounded, you would need some core values and this is what the church would give you.
When you join a church, you get the chance to develop some core values such as leadership skills and other fine qualities. You would also have the chance to develop spiritually. In a world where everyone is concerned about their business and careers, you would be able to have the best of both worlds.
If you are someone who loves social events and gathering, then joining a church would turn out to be a fantastic decision, to say the least. The social events which are held by a church give you the chance to actually interact with other members of the church on a deeper basis. There are so many social events which can be held by the church. This could very well include a baby shower. It could also include a weekly study of the Bible amongst others.
Joining a church can give you many of opportunities to socialize with other believers. When you are part of a church, there is so much that you stand to gain. It is a decision which you would never regret.
One of the main things which people are always on the search for in this world is happiness and inner peace. Most times, these two qualities can only be found when you are close to Jesus Christ. You would be able to develop other qualities and fruits of the spirit. This would help you to remain happy and fulfilled despite any trials which the world would throw at you.
One of the ways you can be closer to Jesus is by joining a church. There, you would be around people who are also looking for a way to find meaning in their lives. This would be the first thing towards a wonderful transformation in your life.
Interested? What next?
Interested in joining a church? If you are, then you would most likely not have any reason to regret your actions. There are so many opportunities and churches which would no doubt have a meaningful impact in your life.
One church which you would find very appealing is IFJC. IFJC stands for I Follow Jesus Christ. The main purpose of this church is to bring transformations in your life and to inspire you to even greater things. You would be able to form a meaningful friendship with other members and would help other people in need through meaningful donations. If you are interested, you can head over to to learn more about this amazing church.
There is no doubt that one of your main goals in life should be to form a closer bond with Jesus Christ. The best way to achieve this is by joining a church. The benefits which it would follow you are simply too numerous to mention. At the end of the day, you would have lived a very satisfying and fulfilling life.

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