Making a difference

Making a difference- Make a difference and leave the world a better place
Making a difference. That is the thought of some many people who walk the earth today. There are many definitions of what really makes a difference. While people’s opinions may differ, there are some fundamental things which would surely count as making a difference. If you are a Christian, then these things would appeal strongly to you.
So how do you make a difference and make this world a better place before you leave this earth? Here are some vital ways you can do this;
Our God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7) When our savior Jesus Christ was on earth, he also made sure he gave. A clear example was the feeding of the crowd with five loaves of bread and two fishes. (John 6:1-14) While we may not be able to do that today, there are vital ways in which we can share and make an impact in the world we live.
In this world. There are many people who would need our help one way or the other. You can make a difference by helping out in whatever you can. One way we can do this is by helping people out in times of disaster. Many countries throughout the world face one natural disaster or the other. These disasters can leave them without a home or lead to a loss of their properties. You can help share in volunteer work.
Another way in which you can help is through donations. There are many charities worldwide who are looking for donations to assist the poor or those who are in various orphanage. Contributing to various charities is one way in which you can make a difference in this world.
Truly Listen
When people think about making a difference, they think about doing it on a grand scale. Perhaps to a lot of people at once or to be known across the globe. However, sometimes, all you would have to do to make a difference is to truly listen.
The people around us today all have many issues that they are dealing with. They need someone to listen, reach out and pray for them. It is a very difficult thing to find people who truly are interested in listening. Most people today only listen or discuss with an aim to reply to what has been said. Truly listening would involve taking time to note the issues without an aim to counter or to reply to what has been said.
It would involve getting to know the concerns of the person and sympathizing with them. Jesus Christ was one person who found truly listening to be fulfilling. There is no better joy then when you make someone feel valued and loved. It could be the difference between life and death.
Be a Teacher
When most people think of teaching, their minds are usually drawn to teachers and professors who are in high schools or college institutions. While teaching can be a profession, you do not necessarily have to do that before you can be a teacher.
Being a teacher would involve allowing people to understand vital truths and deriving joy from it. As followers of Jesus Christ, it would be interesting to follow his life when he was on earth. You would notice how he made a difference in their lives through his teachings. In order to make sure that his audience got the message that he was trying to pass, he taught through the use of parables and illustrations helping them to understand his message.
When teaching, you can do that and probably more. The truth is that through teaching, you can transform the lives of people into something greater than you would ever have imagined.
Be optimistic
Negative energy is everywhere today. People find it hard to find positive thought due to various factors. Life also could have a way of throwing you off balance once in a while. This can leave you sad and depressed. However, it is vital that you remain optimistic. Being optimistic is another way in which you can make a difference in this world. Today, many people are always looking for a way to lighten up their day and have hope for the future. Being optimistic allows you to do that and even more.
Jesus Christ was always optimistic about the future. He always looked for a way to make sure that the people close to him had hope despite how bad the world got. We can also be that source of hope for people around us. However, to do this, being optimistic would be key.
Show Love
Love is always in the centre of everything that you would wish to do. The truth is before you can make a difference in the world, you have to take an interest in the people around you. Because people face various issues in life, there comes a time when they might feel quite down and depressed. Showing love can change all that.
When you show love to the world, you would actually be imitating Jesus Christ. Throughout life, he has shown us, humans, only love. Love moved him to die for our sins and love still motivates him to keep doing amazing things for us. Moreover, he felt that his followers would show a good measure of love for others. There are a number of ways in which we can show love to people from all over the world. Some of these ways could include making donations, volunteering and even helping out in different ways in an organization most likely a church. Making a difference would come down to the little things you can do for people all over the world.
Joining a community
If you are interested in making a difference in the world, then, you might see the benefit of actually joining a community. Sometimes, making a difference would take more than just helping out yourself. You could actually achieve so much more when you are with groups of people who actually share the same beliefs and the same goals.
These could be an organization or a church who has set out to make a difference in the world in so many ways. If you are interested in joining such an organization, would be on an organization which would interest you. They are interested in changing the world in the most amazing ways. Inspiring people is also another way in which they try to change the world. We assist people by sharing what we have to make sure that they have a good life. There is nothing more fulfilling than helping others to live successful lives.
There can be no doubt that making a difference in this world we live in is a good way of making sure that we leave our footprints in the sands of time. However, for most people, the little things we do for them has the ability to make all the difference. Most importantly, Jesus Christ would be absolutely thrilled when we use our time to make sure we have a positive impact on people’s lives even when we have no emotional ties with them. It would be absolutely thrilling.

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