
Sharing – How sharing will bring you closer to Jesus Christ

One of the abilities which God has given us is no doubt the ability to share. Sharing has been part of human history from the beginning of time. Humans have learned to share resources, territory and so many other things in order to succeed. However, sharing can do a lot in our life. Apart from changing our present situation, sharing helps us in a spiritual way- it helps us to be closer to Jesus Christ. Here are some awesome ways in which sharing brings us close to our savior;

It helps us find happiness in our worship

Worshiping as a Christian is one of the most important parts of our life. However, the stress of the life we live may threaten to overshadow our spiritual life. When we give to people, we make worship to God even better. We are able to find happiness in our worship. Truly, nothing is more pleasing than being able to help others in times of need. When we share with others in various ways including the gospel, we would be making an impact in their lives. When the time comes to offer praise and worship to our Heavenly Father, it would come out naturally.


To be closer to Jesus Christ, you need to know his Word. When you share things with people, you sense a deeper connection between you and the person. In fact, science has revealed that when you give something or share something, your brain releases a special hormone which is known as Oxytocin. This hormone is known to reduce the level of stress which you would feel. With your oxytocin levels high, you would be able to give on a much grander scale. Being generous is one of the principles which is recorded in the Bible. There is no doubt that being generous would surely bring you closer to Jesus Christ.

In a nutshell, giving works in logical sequence. Giving allows you to have healthy well-being which in turn would allow you to worship and feel closer to Jesus Christ even more.

It builds Trust

When you give something that rightfully belongs to you to another person which would most likely be a foreigner, you are taking a risk. The risk is that you are risking what you have with the hopes that the stranger would use it in a trustworthy way. That is one of the simplest ways that the feelings of trust can develop. When trust develops between two persons, the result is that people would be happier.

Trust and happiness seem to go hand in hand, and both are completely necessary if you want to be closer to Jesus Christ. The Father and the Son are love and want all their worshipers to know the love that only they can give.


Before you can actually share anything with anyone, you must actually communicate with the person. Communication is absolutely vital when it comes to getting closer to Jesus. Without communication, there would be no way to talk to him. Communication is the only way in which friends talk to each other. With communication at its highest, people would be able to know so much more about themselves. This would include their likes, dislikes, and even things that are most precious to them. This is the same when it comes to our relationship with Jesus. We would be closer to him in ways that we do not expect.

We would be able to tell him all our secrets and things that matter to us. We might even realize that soon, he would soon become your best friend.


Gratitude is a natural feeling which comes after sharing. The feeling of thankfulness or happiness that you have given or received something. It is clear then that gratitude has a direct link to happiness. Thus, when you share something with someone, you feel a sense of gratitude. That gratitude which you feel is then translated into happiness. That happiness helps our entire being. That would give us a better relationship with Jesus and the ability to make yourself become a better person.

So next time you have a chance to give or share, share generously. A healthy dose of gratitude would be amazing.


In every church or congregation, unity is being preached. In fact, Jesus in the book of John stated that he was in union with his Father. He prayed for the same for his disciples. Unity is, therefore, an intrinsic part of our worship. Without unity, we would not really be followers of Jesus. It is important therefore that we show unity. One of the things that bring unity between groups of people and communities is sharing.

When you share with people, you instill in them a sense of togetherness and trust. They would be loyal to each other and try to protect their interests. Sharing also helps to promote cooperation. People would be more willing to cooperate if they believe that you are trustworthy and are kind. You would find that things would move a lot smoother for you when you are seen as a sharer. Better yet, you would be imitating Jesus Christ. This would no doubt draw you even closer to him and improve your relationship with him in the long run.


The Bible says that love never fails and that one of the fundamental qualities of God is love. This shows just how high love is placed in the hierarchy of things. Without love, we would not be able to do all the things we are meant to do as Christians. We would also be unable to draw closer to Jesus. Love is also one of the principal things which would move us to share things with people.

The truth is that if you do not have love for your neighbor, sharing things that rightfully belong to you would prove to be harder than you would have ever thought. Sharing makes you develop that love to even higher levels. You would be able to radiate the love which Jesus wanted his disciples to especially show. With this love, you would be deemed to be pleasing in the eyes of the lord, and this would lead to you drawing closer to him.

Cultivating Mercy and Compassion

Sharing is one of the deepest connections you can have with someone. When you share with someone, you do so out of empathy and compassion. This is one of the many qualities of Jesus. Sharing more with people would give you the chance to keep cultivating this quality. With time, it would come so much more naturally to you. Your relationship with Jesus would be affected in a positive light.

As Christians, one of the most important things we have to watch out for is our conduct. Sometimes, our conduct has the ability to gain a soul or lose a soul forever. When we give, we are in effect helping others in ways that they might never have expected. This would build our relationship with humans and ultimately allow us to have a more fulfilling relationship with Jesus. That is the greatest gift a Christian can get in their lifetime. If you are interested in meeting people who are also interested in sharing, you should visit for more amazing experiences.

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