
Why Family Matters

Why Family Matters – Why Family Is Important And How Jesus Christ Plays A Role In Keeping It Together

The family is described as the smallest unit in the community. Aside from the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, a family is the most valuable gift that has been given to humans from God. The family prepares us to interact and maintain a relationship with others. In a broader sense, being part of a family is like having people who you can always count on to offer a helping hand when you are down. It is those people who can vouch for you and protect you from external attacks. The family corrects us; it molds into being better persons in the society. The concept of family is so wide that it cannot be easily described. One of the things most people forget about being part of a family is that it comes with responsibilities and obligations.

The concept of family was instituted by God with the intention that we all love and care for one another. The family is about being able to encourage, advice, comfort, correct, impact morals, values, and norms. The importance of family cannot be overemphasized. In this piece, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons why the family matters. They include but are definitely not limited to these;

  1. The family offers protection and security;

The family according to how it was planned by God should provide us with security. It is capable of providing us with a framework of values and norms that needs to be imbibed in all. The family should be made up of people that are capable of teaching others at the same time sharing in the joy and also sorrows of one another.

The family is actually the most important part of the life of a child. Members of a family work together to support and raise the child to be a good person in the community. Regardless of the age of the individual, the family is the best framework that will offer them the needed support as they seek to contribute their quota to the good of the society. Generally, in most cultures, the family acts as a framework that preserves the culture of the people. They also share experiences which do not just bring fond memories but also binds them together.

  1. Will help you make life’s big decisions;

If you have a family, you will find that it is quite easier for you to make certain life big decisions. For example, when it comes to the university or career to a path to follow, the family can be of immense importance. They could offer you helpful tips that would ensure that you make wise decisions. Those seeking to start businesses can also get advice from family members on the best niche to choose and on some of the most strategic places they can possibly position their business to ensure that they make more sales.

Generally, the family is made up of old and young ones who have gathered experience in a number of industries and have been in situations you find yourself currently. With their experience, they are able to help you as you set to out to start a life. Without a family, it would be extremely difficult for you to make decisions as you would have to rely most times on the suggestions and advise of people that may or may not really have your interest at heart.

  1. The family would offer support:

Our Lord Jesus while on Earth had a family. He had parents that had his interest at heart. His parents supported him while he was growing up. Similarly today, as Christians it is important that we value and appreciate the love our family members put into our life. Like in the time of Jesus, he recognized that Joseph his adopted father was the head of the family according to the scriptures. The family would offer us moral and physical support as we await the coming of our Lord Jesus. The family can support us in a number of ways. For example, our family can help us start a business, get customers, and also recommend our business. These are a few of the things the family can do for us. In our quest to obey the commandment of our Lord, our family can support and guide us. They can help us make wise decisions that are in line with what is recorded in the Bible.

The Role Of Jesus In Keeping The Family Together

The role of Jesus and that of his Father cannot be overemphasized. They are the rock that keeps the family together. While He was on Earth, Jesus cared for this earthly family. When he was about to die, He instructed his disciples to take good care of his mother. This clearly shows that he valued and appreciated the comfort and support that he had while he was preaching the gospel.

As a family, Jesus can provide unity if they put him first in all they do. We’ll discuss some of the main ways a family can grow together in the love of Christ and that of his father.

  1. Praying together; as Christians, the importance of prayer cannot be overemphasized. It is important that you regularly pray. As a family, it is important that each family member prays for the other. Interestingly, there are a couple of ways you can do this. You could use color cards or have a family prayer box with Bible verses to pray over one another. You could also create journals that will help your kids stay and pray together. With this tradition practiced, it will be difficult for them to forget or abandon this lifestyle later in life.
  2. They should have regular family devotions; this is very important if a family is to remain together. They would have to carry out regular family devotions. It could be scheduled weekly or monthly depending on your lifestyle. The main purpose of this devotion is to discuss from the word of God. They can also use that time to discuss how the Bible has helped them cope either at their job or at school. To make this interesting, the parents could assign tasks and Bible passages to be read by the members of the family.
  3. Members of the family can share Bible lessons together; after reading the Bible, the best thing to do would be to share the lessons learned with your family members. Parents may share some of the lessons and principles they learn from the Bible with their children. This will help them overcome challenges as well as help them remain in the faith. Also, this will encourage their children to continue to read and meditate on God’s word. Interestingly, there are fun ways parents can do this to ensure that it remains in the heart of their children. Sharing Bible lessons does not have to be stressful and rigid all the time.

Looking for more tips that would the family together? You will find it interesting to know that this website can be helpful.

The Inspiration Of Jesus

The Inspiration Of Jesus – How Jesus Christ Has Inspired Me

Jesus Christ is the son of God who was sent to this Earth to die for our sins right after the first man and woman Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. Being the son of God, Jesus displayed a number of amazing qualities that would definitely inspire any true Christian. These features of Christ are some of the things that we as Christians should take to heart and also imitate. Jesus inspires us to be better persons in so many ways. For the purpose of this piece, we’ll take a look at some of the ways our Lord Jesus Christ inspires to not just be better Christians but to be better persons wherever we find ourselves. These ways include but are definitely not limited to these;

  1. He did not promote himself;

The words recorded in the Bible book of Mark chapter 1 verse 11 is proof that Jesus did not in any way promote himself. Right from the start of his gospel, he made it clear to all those that listened to him that there was a higher being. He encouraged all to turn to his Heavenly Father. While most times we may become full ourselves to the extent that we take the credit for the work that was done by others, this quality of our Lord should inspire us to be better persons. If you are familiar with the Bible, you will definitely agree that there were a number of occasions where Jesus clearly told all those he was teaching that no one should call him “Rabbi” (which means teacher). He told them that there is only one teacher who is God.

Another thing that showed that Jesus did not promote himself in any way is the fact that he although being perfect was able to surrender himself to John The Baptist to be baptized by him. This is an act of humility, and it goes a long way to show that Jesus was and would never promote himself. Even when the dove appeared as he was being baptized, Jesus did not see that as an opportunity to point out to John that he was greater. On a number of occasions, the disciples saw Jesus give thanks to his Father above.

Another way Jesus showed that he was not self-promoting was when he performed miracles. While most people would want to take all the glory for themselves, Jesus clearly offered thanks to his Father and also gave credit to him. He also prayed to God fervently clearly telling us Christians that we need to do the same if we want to have our names written in the book of life. This quality of our Lord Jesus is something that would definitely inspire us to be humble. Notice that Jesus did not pick times to be humble; he was always humble even in his dealings with his apostles. This would definitely inspire us to be better persons and generally better Christians.

  1. Jesus was obedient;

Immediately after his baptism, the gospel account of Mark clearly stated that the spirit sent him into the wilderness. He did not refuse to go; he went and remained there for forty days. It was then the devil tried to tempt him. While being a superior being, Jesus had the spirit of obedience.

There are a number of occasions when Jesus was obedient. Jesus was also obedient to his parents. The wedding feast in Cana is proof that he was obedient. When the wine at the wedding was exhausted, his mother Mary kindly asked him to do something about it. Ordinarily, Jesus would have plainly told her that his mission on Earth was to spread the gospel and not to turn water to wine at a wedding feast. He obeyed his mother and was able to turn water to wine.

As Christians, we need to have the spirit of obedience. There could be times when we are asked to carry out certain functions in the Church; our behavior would determine if we have been inspired by Christ. Most of the times we may feel that the job assigned to us is way beyond our standard. Having the mind of Jesus will encourage us to carry out this assignment well without resentment or grudge of any kind.

  1. Jesus was self-sacrificing;

One thing we can all agree to is that Jesus was self-sacrificing. He put the interest of his apostles way ahead of his. The Bible accounts of Mark, Luke, and Matthew is proof that he really was self-sacrificing. First, he gave himself for us. Although being the son of God, Jesus willingly came down to this Earth to die for our sins. This clearly shows that he had our interest at heart.

Another example of Jesus’ self-sacrificing spirit is seen when he was being betrayed. Although he knew that he would definitely be killed, he still went ahead. When the soldiers came to arrest him led by Judas Iscariot, he gladly offered himself. He ordered the soldiers to let his apostles go. This alone shows that he placed the interest of his apostles ahead of his even in his death. As Christians, this quality of our Lord should inspire us. There are times we need to be self-sacrificing and put the interest of others ahead of ours.

Another example of this quality that should inspire us to be like Jesus is that of the 5000 men, women, and children he fed. Although he was tired, he made out time to teach these deserving ones. He did not end there; Jesus perceived that these ones were tired and hungry and could not leave them. He sent his disciples to look for food. Only five loaves of bread and two fish were found by the disciples. He quickly gave thanks to God for the provision, and a miracle happened. The Bible account reveals that the disciples were able to feed all in the audience with baskets still full. This example also proves that Jesus was never selfish. He always put the interest of others ahead of his. This should inspire us as Christians.

These are a few qualities that set Jesus apart from anyone that has ever lived. Jesus Christ was not in any way selfish neither was he proud. Being the son of God, he had every right to be proud, but he still remained humble. This shows that he’s the true son of God and only a person that has the mind of God could possess these qualities.

Jesus also was observant of his environment. He helped as many people as possible. Jesus never had free time; he was always ready to help out. Even when his disciples taught and He was tired, He still made out time to teach. This is shown in the account of Luke when the children came to meet Jesus. The disciples wanted to send them back, but Jesus asked them to send them to him. He was always ready to help out regardless of the circumstance.

We can definitely imitate him. This website offers us a number of other qualities of our Lord that should inspire us.